Site Policy

The contents of the pages of the situated IMAC SpA cannot be copied, reproduced, be transferred, load, publish to you or distributed to you, also partially, in whichever way, without the estimate written consent of the Society, eccezion made for the possibility to print or to record extracted of the pages of this situated one for I only use staff.

It marks and the logo that they appear in this situated one they are of property of IMAC SpA: they cannot be use you without the estimate written consent of IMAC SpA. Designs and models mark to you from the symbol "©" are protect from the laws and from it deals to you international on the Copyright, beyond that from other laws and deals to you on the intellectual property.

Whichever material sended to through via email or in a generalized manner through World Wide Web, will be thought of not confidential nature. IMAC SpA will not have obligation of some type regarding such material and will be free to use it without some restriction. Moreover, IMAC SpA will be free to use ideas, concepts or contained technical acquaintances in such material, for whichever scope. Anyone sendes material guarantees that the same one is pubblicabile and chip ax to hold undamaged the Society from whichever action from part third in relation to such material.

The objective that IMAC SpA pursues with the presentation of this situated one is that one to supply an modernized information more how much and specifies relatively to the own initiatives trades them, to the own structure and industrial history, assigning it also to a professional public. IMAC SpA will try to guarantee the exactitude and the modernization in times expresses of all the information that appear on the situated one; reasonably, errors or involuntary omissions cannot however be excluded. All the errors signal to you ready will be corrected.

Antispam Site Policy

IMAC spa has a no tolerance spam policy. Customer accounts will be terminated if they send unsolicited email messages.
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Site policy
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